Tuesday, 12 October 2010

A Revolution Has Begun!!

Let me assure you from the start that this blog is not only purely an ego based exercise. I am a huge sports fan, I live and breathe rugby and I regularly sacrifice relationships and grades following the game at all levels all over the globe.
Let me be honest with you... I really rate my own opinions (and with good reason, I am rarely wrong) but this is not why this blog exists. I promise with all my being that this blog will serve a greater purpose than a mere pulpit for my ego.
I want a higher quality of rugby Journalism in Britain. I want to see proper analysis of club rugby, I want the Aviva, Magners, Heineken and top 14 to get the exposure they deserve. Anyone who watches these competitions will tell you that they offer a more entertaining brand of the game than the pressure cooker six nation.
 The BBC is undoubtedly the biggest culprit here. Its rugby site can go for days without updating and   the blogging is low quality at best. All too often you get the feeling that the comments in the forum make more sense than the articles.
So welcome to my revolution!! (of sorts. You gotta think big) Please get involved, tell me I’m wrong, but do it with knowledge,
And if you question the title ‘The Truly Beautiful Game’ watch the Rhys Priestlands vs Perpignan try last weekend. It should convince you.

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